Tuesday, July 26, 2011

saving cash

i stopped smoking 6 days ago , at 5 bucks and 10 cents a day .I do feel much better


  1. WOW! Congratulations!
    I buy my cancer sticks from the Fort Mohave Tribe of Indians, so I still only pay about $2.50 a pack. I am planning on quitting, though. Before I hit the road!

    Did you go cold turkey? Are you using any aids? Enquiring minds need to know...

    Cyndi & Stumpy @ RVly Ever After

  2. nope cold turkey this has been the hardest day so far .I just wanted to do this before i hit the road too

  3. Almost $7 here, you'll definitely save some cash. Good luck, I quit about a year ago and still want one every time I have a beer.
